
Commercial Flooring Maintenance Tips
Commercial Flooring Maintenance, FlooringYou’ve invested in quality commercial flooring to bring beauty and elegance to your space. Now it’s time to maintain the look and style you worked so hard to create and ensure the long-lasting beauty of your floors by caring for them with…

Floor Leveling Options For Older Homes
Flooring, Gypsum UnderlaymentWhile they are full of unique charm and beauty, older homes can also come with slanted, uneven flooring. Slants, humps, or dips in older flooring can have a variety of causes, but most often are simply the effect of wear and tear over many years…

What is Gypsum Underlayment and Why is it Considered a Specialty Trade?
Flooring, UnderlaymentDue to its unique benefits in both installation and performance, gypsum underlayment—”gyp” for short—is increasingly being used in all facets of commercial, industrial, and residential construction. While gyp is relatively simple to…